Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Paper suits and bass amp jumping - Midnight Kamikaze's launch cops the punk punch

Paper-clad and ready to rock, Wollongong’s Run On Mum were the inaugural act for the Gong’s brand spankin’ new alternative night Midnight Kamikaze.

The four-piece punk rock act transformed the venue from disco ball bloated nightclub to something more akin to a garage full of teens making noise...and what a noise!

Their home-made paper suits were a small part of the theatrics that served to compliment their set of short, fast and loud punk songs. For 45 minutes the band combined oddball humour with distortion and blistering drum fills, pausing on occasion to deliver memorable moments of laughter.

The Don Burke beard may be coincidental, but Run on Mum's lead singer Joseph Paro provided the audience with some valuable horticultural lessons. Half way through one of their high-energy songs, the band paused to informatively re-pot a plant. They had come equipped with potting mix, gloves, and all the necessary equipment. To a roaring cheer, and a substantial amount of laughter, the band finished their stunt and successfully resumed the song. Once the venue's dance floor was swept up, it did receive the familiar patterns of footwork when the band covered the Bomfunk Mc’s ‘Freestyler’.

The much-anticipated headlining act Order 66 kept up the insatiable energy of the crowd - playing a set of their original rock songs while moving around the venue as much as their instruments would permit. The band's lead singer Ryan Beveridge leapt across speakers and on top of lounges; his enthusiasm culminating in an old fashioned rock n' roll on-your-knees guitar solo - eliciting cheers (and, for some, vigorous dance moves) from the amped-up crowd.

There was an unforseen drummer change as MK organiser (and Free Agent Crew/Video Games drummer extraordinaire) Alex Barker took over from Order 66 veteran Kuz Cozens for two songs...and several well-received drum solos. The band closed their set with a number of nostalgic covers, most notably the theme to Ghostbusters, which had everyone singing (or shouting?) along.

Both bands were a dynamic and oh-so memorable way to kick off Midnight Kamikaze’s weekly band night. Let’s hope there’s more like this to come.

Next week: Thursday 1st July. The Howling Tongues, Gravity Takes Over, and possibly even a surprise act. Be there at 9 so you don’t miss out. $5 at the door gets you a free drink. Bring ya Nan, get her pissed.

Experienced and written by C.F. Lewie and Brenna 'Cue-ball' Quinlan.

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